To the man of letters our forefathers lived in primitism, our cultural norms are regarded as nonsense, our originality is perceived as unacceptable to the modern world.
Hmmm, this got me thinking , could it be true?,Yes ! to an extent this only applies to those cultural norms which encourages negativity like ritual killings, Abuse of women e.t.c
But then, should the positive ones be wiped off too in the name of civilization???Damn no! This generation is loosing it or should I say have lost it??
I wasn't born in the 70's neither was it in the 80's but had the opportunity to still meet some of our values which I think should not just go down the drain all in the name of civilisation. Nowadays, you hardly find a child who can speak fluently the language of our mothers and fathers, we've been so blinded by the world civilisation* that we no longer find anything good about our culture..
The man of letters says that young adult should be left to enjoy his time....what time??? Does he really have that time?
He also said children should be spared of the rod.....
He also encourages and adores nudity amongst women...
When I was growing up as I said earlier......I was opportuned to still take part in some of this healthy cultural values and norms of ours:
I remember the days, when respect was core amongst us, a youth, a child gives absolute respect to an elder
I remember the days when love, honesty, and dignity held clans it has just been from worse to worst, our brothers, our fathers, our sisters, etc no longer bother about the other person, everyone has worn the cap and regalia of me, myself and I .High level of selfishness amongst us, I cry in silense asking what has really gone wrong with us?? I wish I could have an answer to that...
I remember the days when the children come out during moonlight to play without being scared of kidnapped, when we all slept with our eyes fully closed, when we never worried if our door was locked or not....
I remember the days when the beauty of our women was about upholding her dignity and pride, I remember the days when originality was the watchword of our women
The days when our laughter was truly from within, ....
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